Monday, August 5, 2013

Some dirty brush tests from last September

Not ready to show the newest (non Pixel Art) stuff yet. I can't believe that these are over 11 months old. Flippin' hell time is flying.. :(  I'm still trying to find a workflow that I'm happy with... hard times...


  1. Cool stuff fella! What program are you using for these? The painterly look is groovy

    1. Thank you for your kind words mate. :)
      I use Photoshop CS5 with custom brushes for all my digital stuff.

      The work you did the last few months looks brilliant. I feel sorry for not commenting.... :/

    2. Ha cheers fella, all my illustration work is covered under NDA's at the moment, so I'm not able to show anyhting I've done for the past 3-4 months atleast, which is crap.

      Keep up the good work matey :)

    3. Can't wait to see it after the NDA has been lifted. :)


Don't be shy.